More than 80 chemical components can be found in Ceylon Cinnamon including Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. In addition to being a good source of flavour, Ceylon Cinnamon also offers numerous health benefits, as it helps avoid the risks of getting diseases, disorders, and even cancer. Rich with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, the polyphenols in Ceylon Cinnamon act as a strong activator of detoxifying enzymes in the body, while destroying prevailing cancer cells and providing protection against future growth of cancer cells. Daily consumption of cinnamon can reduce the risk of heart disease, mainly due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides with negative effects, stabilising HDL cholesterols, and reducing high blood pressure. Cinnamon helps the body use insulin more effectively and it is believed that cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels by 24% and reduces cholesterol by 18%, further assisting in avoiding diseases like diabetes. The Cinnamaldehyde component present in Cinnamon activates Thermogenesis, which is a process where the body creates heat and results in burning calories. The compound increases insulin sensitivity while decreasing blood sugar, which also supports losing weight, which makes cinnamon a great supportive supplement for a weight loss plan.
Cinnamon helps to reduce acne by supporting the blood flow of the skin while its anti-fungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties help to reduce skin blemishes. Cinnamon mixed with honey can be applied externally in order to treat acne and to restore the moisture of the skin. Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce acute eczema conditions when consumed mixed with food or applied externally. Consumption of Cinnamon is known as one of the safest methods to reduce the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Cinnamon metabolizes into Sodium benzoate which would enter into the brain and normalize neurotransmitter levels, improve motor functions and protect cells while stopping the loss of proteins like Parkin and DJ-1. The spice also helps to control Alzheimer’s disease as Cinnamon consists of Cinnamaldehyde and Epicatechin which have the ability to prevent the collection of Tau protein. Cinnamon tea or cinnamon mixed with black and green tea can be a potent cure against cold and sore throat especially mixed with honey.
Black pepper is known to be a rich source for nutrients such as Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, E, B6, and K. The spice is also a source of minerals like Zinc, Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous, and Calcium. It is also high in dietary fibre. These valuable components have collectively resulted in black pepper building a name for its medicinal value. Black pepper assists weight loss by suppressing appetite and preventing the formation of fat cells. The presence of phytonutrients supports this cause. Black pepper also helps the body to absorb nutrients from consumed food, while daily consumption of black pepper with food benefits by boosting metabolism, helping to get rid of extra fat and toxins. Rich in antioxidants and active ingredient piperine, black pepper initiates free-radical scavenging that helps chemoprevention and controls any progression of tumour growth, according to a study done by the University of Michigan. In studies, Piperine, the natural chemical found in pepper, has shown anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti-cancer activities. Piperine in black pepper helps to stabilize glucose levels in blood by improving its metabolism. Further research has found piperine to enhance insulin sensitivity and discourage the function of some digestive enzymes that reduce complex carbohydrates and sucrose into glucose. In addition, piperine also acts as a bio enhancer for Metformin, a common diabetes medication. The anti-inflammatory properties found in black pepper have the ability to reduce the occurrence of gum inflammation and oral infections.
Black pepper can also be used as a home remedy to relieve the pain of tooth decay, toothache, and oral abscess. The antibacterial properties in black pepper help to reduce the inflammation in dental caries and tooth decay is prevented since black pepper stops the destruction of mineralized tissue of the teeth. Piperine in black pepper slows down enzymes that promote fat formation and focuses on the removal of fat. It also prevents the reabsorption of bile, an acidic digestive juice that assists the digestion and absorption of fats. Black pepper lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol, which is good for the human body. By helping reduce bad cholesterol, black pepper reduces the risks of heart diseases while acting as a natural antidepressant. High levels of oxidative stress in the brain is one of the causes of anxiety, and piperine reduces the levels of oxidative stress while protecting brain cells from damage. It also curbs the release of Monoamine oxidase, responsible for depression and induces the release of happy hormones, serotonin and dopamine.Piperine disables the enzyme that breaks down the calming and feel-good neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, reducing the risk of degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, piperine protects the brain nerves and reduces plaque formation in the brain which also reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumours, and meningitis. Pseudoseizure is a type of seizures caused due to psychological reasons such as mental stress and piperine reduces the occurrence of pseudoseizure by controlling the flow of calcium while improving the synchronization of nerve activity in the brain.
Cloves have been widely used in Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal medicine to treat a multitude of digestive tract conditions and have been a potent home remedy against flatulence, hiccups, and motion sickness. The high presence of Eugenol helps to reduce the occurrence of food poisoning through Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Salmonella, E.coli. As well as fighting against food poisoning, Eugenol’s antimicrobial properties make cloves a spice that helps preserve food. Cloves have been found to increase the production of gastric mucus, protecting the internal lining of the stomach, duodenum, or oesophagus from peptic ulcers. In addition, clove extracts have been found to exhibit effects similar to anti-ulcer medications which also account for its positive effect on gut health. Diabetes weakens the pancreatic cells that create insulin, leaving the body without sufficient insulin for normal functioning. Clove oil helps to maintain these insulin levels as it regulates the postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms.
According to research, the polyphenol in clove extracts, especially in clove oil, works in three different ways to regulate the blood sugar level. Repeated studies have found clove extracts improve liver health, protecting the liver cells against inflammation and degeneration. The compound Eugenol found in cloves has been found to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in liver cells while reversing the signs of liver cirrhosis. Incidentally, research has also found to reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress in liver cells caused by binge drinking while antioxidants in cloves also reduce oxidative stress in the liver. However, overconsumption of Eugenol can have negative effects on the liver and can cause permanent liver damage. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum swelling caused by Gingivitis, a gum disease that is caused by bacteria build up around the gum line. Clove oil, which is rich with antiseptic and antibacterial quality can reduce the swelling and pain in the affected areas when applied and massaged gently. Chewing cloves also can relieve pain since it releases the clove extract within the mouth. Clove is a proven treatment for mouth ulcers and small lesions that occur under the tongue, inside lips or cheeks, or at the bottom part of the gums. Rinsing with clove oil mixed water or chewing cloves is a proven treatment for small oral lesions and ulcers. Clove oil and clove pods also relieve toothaches when placed directly in contact with the affected tooth or applied on the tooth using a cotton wool ball, while regularly rinsing the mouth with warm water mixed with clove oil can help to improve oral health and remove bad breath. Effectiveness of clove oil in reducing the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections have been widely recorded in research. Clove oil mixed vapour works as an expectorant, loosening mucus in the throat and oesophagus and allowing the removal of mucus through the mouth. The same effect can be gained by drinking clove infused black tea. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of cloves soothe the respiratory tract. The oil prevents the bacteria from forming colonies in the lungs and is used for treating respiratory conditions such as Asthma.Application of clove oil helps to gain relief from headaches by improving circulation and acting as a mild anaesthetic. Since the flavonoids found in clove oil have anti-inflammatory properties, clove oil helps to reduce fatigue, mental exhaustion, anxiety or stress with the help of its stimulating properties. Black or Green Tea infused with whole cloves, cinnamon and mint leaves can also relieve stress and tension. Large doses of Eugenol in Clove oil, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, helps to clear acne and prevent future breakouts, The oil also prevents associated infections, reducing the appearance of acne marks and blemishes on the face. Messaging the scalp with clove oil helps to increase blood circulation, supports hair growth and the growth of a healthy, glossy, and thick head of hair. A mixture of clove oil and olive oil can be used as a conditioner and prevents the occurrence of dandruff and hair fall. Clove oil also functions as an exfoliator by removing dead skin cells and promoting blood circulation, reducing symptoms of early ageing and delivering a smooth, radiant-looking skin. Application of diluted clove oil on the skin reduces the sagginess and the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.
The phenols and the flavonoids in cardamoms have high antioxidant qualities, which prevent free radicals causing cell and DNA damage, a main cause of cancer in humans. Compounds in cardamom help to reduce the risk of cancer in two ways; by boosting natural immunity against the growth of cancer cells and preventing further growth of cancer cells. Research of controlled correlation has found that cardamom has the ability to reduce blood pressure through antioxidant activities and diuretic effects. Consumption of cardamom tea is believed to reduce high blood pressure and can help patients with high blood pressure to better control their condition. The Polyphenols and flavonoids in cardamom act as anti-inflammatory agents in reducing inflammation and a series of chronic diseases. Cardamom has been found to have a strong impact on disease in the digestive system, hypertension, coronary artery diseases and cardigan infections. Green cardamom helps to keep the heart healthy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by reducing the risk factors of heart diseases which are; reducing blood clotting in the human body, reduce Atherosclerosis or build-up of fat and cholesterol in arteries, reduce hypercholesterolaemia or elevated amounts of cholesterol in the blood. Cardamom reduces the risk of indigestion and speeds up digestion by reducing inflammation in the stomach lining. The nutrients found in cardamom soothes the mucous membranes, improving the function of the system while relieving the symptoms of acidity in the upper stomach.
Flavonoids in cardamom also provide effective protection against bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Moreover, essential oils and extracts of cardamom have antimicrobial properties that can be more effective than regular medication against E.coli and Staphylococcus, bacteria able to cause food poisoning. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of cardamom help to improve oral health by controlling the bacteria that cause gum disease. It’s essential oil also helps to balance the pH levels in the mouth and prevents the formation of dental cavities. Chewing cardamom seeds also helps to get rid of bad breath. Cineole, an active ingredient in cardamom, has strong antiseptic properties that reduce bacterial growth. Cardamom essence and the essential oil are used to reduce stress and relieve depression. Thiamine, a strong antioxidant in cardamom essence reduces oxidative stress in the brain and acts as a natural antidepressant, that is more effective when combined with aromatherapy, to relax the mind and body. The high amounts of Vitamin C and thiamine in cardamom enhances neurodevelopment and brain function. Thiamine also helps proper neural-transmission while vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps to maintain a healthy brain.Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and flavonoids in cardamom have powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that help to improve skin and hair health by improving blood circulation, reducing acne, skin infections, and blemishes, nourishing the scalp and hair roots, assisting hair growth and reducing scalp infection.
Oxidation that occurs when producing Black Tea helps to develop important groups of polyphenols, including catechins, theaflavins and thearubigins, that are the main sources of antioxidants in black tea which provides a variety of health benefits. Polyphenols are antioxidants that are available in black tea. They give direct support in reducing free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage. They also help to reduce the risks of cancer and improve heart health. Antioxidants in Ceylon Black tea can reduce the occurrence of Atherosclerosis and therefore lowering the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases, especially in women. Theaflavins in Black Tea reduce the level of Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the human body, reducing bad cholesterol levels in our blood and assisting weight loss. Polyphenols, one of the antioxidants found in Black tea, can reduce the Glycerin index. Research has found that daily consumption of three cups of black tea helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 42%. A polyphenol known as Epigallocatechin available in Black Tea acts as an antioxidant stronger than vitamin C and E in relieving the painful symptoms of Arthritis including the swelling and stiffness of joints. Research has found the Polyphenols in Black Tea to contain antibacterial properties that reduce with the time of tea fermentation. Drinking black tea and application on skin has been found to reduce the occurrence of acne and pimples in the skin. In addition, a large amount of caffeine present in the black tea helps to prevent skin infections including pimples.
Rich in nutrients such as Vitamins B2, C, and E, black tea supports the nourishment of the skin along with minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, and essential polyphenols and tannins. reducing wrinkles and dryness. Black tea contains two ingredients namely; an amino acid called L-theanine and caffeine which increases the alpha activity in the brain and improves the level of focus, relaxation, and alertness. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in black tea leads to a state of calm and awareness, reducing the anxiety and relaxing brain activity. The antioxidant and the anti-inflammatory compounds found in black tea largely reduce the risk of memory loss and inflammation of brain cells. Consumption of black tea is also known to reduce the risk of progressive disorders associated with memory loss such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and can be especially beneficial for individuals with the APOE e4 gene, which is known as the main risk factor that roots to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Tannins, an ingredient found in black tea, is found to reduce inflammation, and black tea mixed with honey has long been used as a home remedy for sore throats. Although caffeine-rich drinks can induce dehydration when consumed during diarrhoea, black tea has been found to relieve the symptoms of nonbacterial mild diarrhoea, when consumed at the onset of symptoms.
A beverage that combines great flavour and a multitude of health benefits, Ceylon tea is loved by people all over the world. Despite Ceylon Black Tea’s dominance over the export market, Ceylon Green Tea has started to gain a spotlight for itself. Its demand is powered by the advantages these green leaves offer to its consumers. A good source of the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), Ceylon Green Tea also contains a higher concentration of antioxidants including myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol. Made from unoxidised leaves of Camellia sinensis, green tea is one of the least processed types of tea and contains a large number of antioxidants and polyphenols which provide numerous health benefits. Green tea consists of huge amounts of catechins and flavonoids which also exhibit antioxidant activities that support the burning of calories while boosting metabolism that eases the digestion process resulting in weight loss. The same compounds help in the exercise-induced reduction of abdominal fat in both males and females.
EGCG, one of the most important polyphenols in green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to protect human cells from damage caused by oxidative stress by suppressing the activity of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the human body. It also reduces the risk of being involved with inflammation-driven health conditions such as heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. A multitude of flavonoids in Ceylon Green Tea including EGCG, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol helps reduce the risk of developing skin, breast, lung, colon, oesophagal and bladder cancers. The antioxidants, extra vitamins and minerals in Ceylon Green Tea, not only improves the overall health of the human body but helps to maintain healthy skin and hair. Drinking Ceylon Green Tea and applying it on the skin can help to reduce the signs of ageing by improving the skin’s elasticity, repairing the damage caused by exposure to the sun and improving the moisture quality of the skin. Vitamin B2 and E in Green Tea helps maintain good skin by supporting new cell growth while hydrating and nourishing skin cells. Green tea also contains caffeine and tannins that help to shrink blood vessels around the eyes, reducing puffy skin and dark circles. The availability of antioxidants that fight free radicals help Ceylon Green Tea reduce acne breakouts, reduce inflammation and cut down sebum production resulting in the reduction of acne. Catechins in green tea reduce the production of DTH, the hormone that is responsible for hair loss while polyphenols help to strengthen the hair root ensuring hair growth and regrowth. In addition, EGCG in green tea helps to check the effects of two hormones, namely testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in increasing the hair loss in men and slow hair loss in men above the age of 50 years. A combination of chemical compounds in green tea makes it calming but alerting at the same time. Rich in EGCG and the amino acid L-theanine, green tea improves memory while soothing nerves and relaxing the brain by improving functional connectivity from the parietal cortex to the frontal cortex of the brain during the processing of work memory. L-theanine in green tea power-up the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which calms the brain and enhances anti-anxiety effects. The comparatively lower amounts of caffeine present in green tea does not hinder the function of Theanine and therefore helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Long before scientific and medical research discovered the multiple benefits of green tea, it had been used as a home remedy to soothe many ailments including menstrual pain, gastritis, and flu. To reduce menstrual pain - Caffeine in green tea promotes smooth blood flow while antioxidants reduce inflammation and soothe the pain. A natural diuretic, green tea also helps to reduce water retention and alleviate period symptoms including bloating and cramps. Green tea with honey has long been used to alleviate symptoms of gastritis, flu and influenza as well.
Celebrated for its exquisite flavour and aroma around the world, Ceylon White Tea is one of the least produced and expensive types of teas which also has a variety of health benefits due to its high levels of polyphenols and Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). As one of the least processed tea varieties in the global market, made with the fresh tender buds of tea leaves (Camellia sinensis), white tea is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that provide a variety of benefits to the wellbeing of mind and body. The polyphenols found in white tea are known as catechins and have strong antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Antioxidants protect the cells from damage by free radicals, which can adversely alter lipids, proteins, and DNA and trigger a number of human diseases. Therefore, the consumption of white tea can provide protection from damage to neurons from free radicals, reduce inflammation in the skin, defend against premature ageing, strengthen the immune system and reduce DNA damage and mutation through antimutagenic activities. The polyphenols in Ceylon White Tea works in a multitude of ways to reduce the risk of heart diseases; Polyphenols reduce the generation of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) which is a high-risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, Polyphenols and EGCG also reduce the risk of platelet aggregation or clumping of blood platelets together which is another cause of heart diseases.
Presence of high levels of EGCG in Ceylon White Tea helps to stimulate fat breakdown while stopping the formation of new fat cells. The combination of high amounts of caffeine and EGCG in white tea helps to boost metabolism by nearly 5% also reducing the fat levels in the body. As a good source of fluorides, catechins, and tannins, White Tea helps to improve oral health by preventing dental cavities and bacteria growth. Fluorides in white tea strengthens the teeth while catechins act as antimicrobial agents and reduce the activities of oral bacteria which cause plaque, cavities, and bad breath. The polyphenols in Ceylon White Tea with antioxidant properties help to reduce the threats of cancer in several ways; protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals and other harmful substances, triggering cell deaths in cancers, suppressing the growth of cancer cells and preventing their spread. In addition, polyphenols and EGCG in white tea help to improve the overall immunity and help the human body cleanse disease-causing elements. Insulin resistance is one of the major causes of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome and can be caused by being overweight, regular consumption of a high carbohydrate diet, a sedentary lifestyle with no exercise and living with high levels of stress. While insulin resistance can cause high levels of blood sugar leading to several non-communicable diseases, studies have proved that polyphenols in Ceylon White Tea can reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance. Moreover, polyphenols and EGCG in white tea helps to improve the effects of insulin and prevent high blood sugar levels. The same polyphenols and EGCG in white tea that render an innumerable number of benefits to the human body also helps to improve the bone and reduce risk of developing situations like osteoporosis that cause bones to become weak and brittle. As free radicals and chronic inflammation are two factors that increase osteoporosis, the antioxidant properties of white tea help to reduce these factors and suppress the reactions of osteoclasts in breaking down the tissue in bones and releasing the minerals. Ceylon white tea’s many benefits for skin include the prevention of acne and early signs of ageing. The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of polyphenols in white tea helps to reduce acne and helps the skin to heal faster while its antioxidant properties reduce the free radicals which aid the premature ageing of the skin. Polyphenols in white tea also reduce the damage caused to the skin’s elasticity and help the skin retain its firmness. In addition, EGCG in white tea also helps to reduce skin diseases like psoriasis, wrinkles, rosacea, dandruff and eczema. The polyphenols and EGCG in white tea help to reduce free radicals that is one of the main causes of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's disease. Repeated studies have proven that EGCG can reduce free radicals, inflammation and other risk factors for both diseases including unnatural folding and clumping of proteins. As white tea goes through the least amount of processing, it is high in L-theanine, an amino acid that boosts alertness while having a calming effect on the mind. In addition, an 8oz cup of white tea contains only 28 milligrams of caffeine. The low amounts of caffeine in white tea boosts mental alertness without raising the anxiety levels. In fact, this combination of L-theanine and low levels of caffeine can be beneficial for mental wellbeing as well as physical health.
Virgin coconut oil and its many health advantages are breathing a new life to coconut products and coconut oil manufacturers of Sri Lanka. Produced with white coconut kernel instead of the dried coconut copra, the colourless quality of virgin coconut oil is maintained by avoiding the use of brown coconut kernel in its manufacturing process. The scraped coconut is dried under a temperature below 60C to avoid discolouration and to reduce the moisture level of the coconut to 8%. After a period of rigorous drying under the right temperature, the scraped coconut is cooled down to room temperature and is fed to a pressing cylinder for cold- pressing and production of naturally colourless and odourless virgin coconut oil.
According to recent studies, the health benefits of virgin coconut oil include increased metabolism and helping with weight loss. It is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, particularly lauric acid and is a treasure trove of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and is an excellent nutraceutical. When lauric acid enters the human body it gets converted to Monolaurin, which has the ability to enhance immunity. High lauric acid levels in virgin coconut oil also help to reduce bad cholesterol and help to maintain good heart health while maintaining a healthy insulin level in the bloodstream, preventing the development of diabetes.The good fatty acids in virgin coconut oil also improve the body's natural immunity and the brain's cognitive function, preventing the development of neurodegenerative diseases. It is rich in vitamin E, is non-greasy, non-staining and is widely used in soaps, lotions, creams and lip balms. When applied externally on the skin, the high levels of vitamin E in virgin coconut oil improves skin cell regeneration and encourages the development of an anti-bacterial layer above the skin.
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